Sunday, May 12, 2013

10 Wasted Years!

10 Wasted Years!

…or 5 wasted years….21 wasted years!

I’ve heard it before: you’re at the end of a relationship and suddenly all the years of intimacy, giggles, tears, and trials have become a huge WASTE.

Wait a minute! A waste? Really? Sounds to me like your years have been years LIVED…explored…endured…enjoyed…an experience that you shouldn’t negate because now your journey is at an end and you are facing transition.

Change can be intimidating – even scary – but that doesn’t diminish your life experiences! An end (and consequently a new beginning) is a time to reflect upon and thank and cherish the time spent with your partner.

You haven’t wasted anything – you’ve experienced LIFE…you’ve loved, shared, and grown. You’ve been on a journey…embrace it.

Don’t let your journey become blinded by the destination.
The destination is but a fleeting moment but the journey is your life.
You own your journey…You don’t own the destination.
~J. Charest

Five Dimensions of Touch

The Five Dimensions of Touch: The Key to Bypassing Sexual Power Struggles  By Barry McCarthy, Ph.D. “Are we going to have sex or not?” ...