Adrenal Fatigue and Toxic Relationships
The leading cause of Adrenal Fatigue is chronic stress. Stressors can be physical,
financial, or emotional. Those who are over-exerting themselves physically,
such as serious athletes have a higher propensity of developing Adrenal
Fatigue. Physical stress can usually be
reversed once the body is allowed to rest and nurtured back to health. Other
stressors like overwork, poor diet, and overexertion, usually act as underlying
triggers of adrenal crashes. Financial distress in and of itself is seldom the
root cause.
The most common
stressor of Adrenal Fatigue is emotional and mental stress and distress.
Some unresolved toxic
relationships, which gradually wear our bodies down over time, usually cause
such stress.
It is truly amazing
how much your emotional health can influence your physical health.
Fatigue, along with dysautonomia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome(POTS),
and a host of emerging conditions, represents a new class of conditions in
modern medicine linking the mind and the body. Adrenal Fatigue can
be considered a mind-body disorder. A strong mind-body connection is a powerful
healing force you can harness for better health. However, on the flip-side, as
in Adrenal Fatigue, the mind-body connection can be a devastating negative
force capable ruining your body.
Numerous studies
support the belief that people with an upbeat and positive perspective tend to
be healthier and enjoy longer lives than those who are generally gloomy and
cynical about the future. Epigeneticism is now emerging as a primary influence
factor. This centers on the notion that environmental factors such as diet and
stress influence the expression of your genes.
It is the expression of
your genes--not the genes themselves--that dictates whether you develop certain
diseases. For example, if you have constitutionally weak adrenal glands at
birth, stress may cause this weakness to be expressed, leading to Adrenal
The absence of stress, on the other hand, can delay the expression
of this weakness for an indefinite period. As you age, your genes do not
change, but your epigenome changes dramatically. It is influenced by physical
and emotional stresses--how you respond to everything that happens in your
environment, from climate change to marriage to final exams to childhood
abuse--that will ultimately affect your epigenome.
A toxic relationship
can influence the expression of your genes, and directly impact your tendency
to avoid or develop many unpleasant conditions, from heart palpitations, and
Adrenal Fatigue to depression.
Studies have shown:
- Heart surgery patients with
strong spiritual and social support have a mortality rate 1/7th of those
who do not.
- Meditation for just 30 minutes
a day can be as effective as the use of antidepressants.
- Elderly people with positive
attitudes have an over twenty percent reduction in risk of death from
cardiovascular disease and over fifty percent lower risk from all other
Clearly, the
ability to have a positive mental attitude greatly affects your physical
health. This is true in the case of Adrenal Fatigue. In fact, if
emotional stressors are present but not resolved, they can act as a deterrent
to Adrena Fatigue recovery.
Being able to
manifest positive emotions and happiness is perhaps one of the greatest
characteristics you have as a human being. For some this can be a very liberating thought. You do not
have to feel bad because you're getting older or fatigued all the time, or
because your life isn't going exactly as you had planned. You actually
do not have to feel bad for any reason at all, once you make your mind up to be
Adrenal Fatigue may
actually be one of the best things that happen to you if put in the right
perspective. For many, it is a wake up call. Often, some area of life is out of balance or alignment.
Addressing Adrenal Fatigue is often the starting point for a deeper exploration
of self and of life at a deeper level. Most people live superficially. Correcting
Adrenal Fatigue often causes a person to begin to live at a much deeper level
and to understand the body and mind from a more spiritual perspective as well.
It forces you to focus on what is really important in life-such as peace, love,
forgiveness, contentment.
Adrenal Fatigue or
any serious condition is not to be handled as quickly as
possible with a quick fix. If you act this way, you may miss the
greatest blessing of your life. Use this condition constructively as a
way of really listening and getting to know your body; to let go of toxic and
harmful relationships, and cultivate subtle changes in attitude and mental
tendencies. Try to move away from a superficial life that focuses on victim and
negative thinking into one that, no matter how painful, is far more peaceful
and serene. Bear in mind that having a positive attitude is not about
being happy all the time. Accepting that there will be times when you feel down
is all part of being happy.
While in reality we
already have the full potential to be happy and are in full control of our
capacity for happiness, most of us find it extremely difficult. In fact,
statistics have shown that the majority of society is unhappy with one
thing or another-job, finance, or relationship. Out of all these, relationship
remains the most difficult to overcome.
In Adrenal Fatigue,
the healing of the mind has to occur before healing of the physical body,
because the mind controls the body. Emotional baggage has to be discarded if present, as it is toxic to
the healing process. Toxic relationships therefore must be minimized for the
mind and body to heal.
Toxic Relationships
All important,
long-term relationships go through problems at some point in time. Whether it is family,
marriage, or friendships, there will always be some type of conflict,
disagreement and disappointment. A hallmark of emotional maturity is to
bond with the significant other during difficult times and grow through the
experience. However, some relationships are just plain toxic. No
matter how they try to work through troubles, the conflicts and friction are so
serious as to continually hurt one or more of the people in the relationship.
This type of relationship singles out at least one person in an emotional
Toxic relationships
do not necessarily mean that the people concerned are bad. It is more about the
people not fitting well with one another. Goodness or badness might not have anything to do with it.
One person's style just clashes with the other person, creating a toxic
relationship. There was good chemistry at one point, but with
time, the people have grown and changed, thus altering the relationship. This
is all part of human nature, and there is no one to blame. However, it can
still be toxic all the same.
There are also toxic
people who are a risk for emotional health. They usually have short tempers,
mood swings, inconsistencies, denial and impulsive behavior. They might admit that
behavior is wrong, but never try to correct their ways. They contradict the
other as they say something, but do something else. Behavior might be quite
abusive with only shallow feelings for their partners, shown through threats of
leaving or holding back their love. A toxic person does not care about his/her
partner and can even accuse him/her of self-centeredness. These people
manipulate their companions and situations to keep their partner dependent on
them even though they look down on them with shame, insult, and sarcasm.
Being in a toxic
relationship can make you chronically tired, angry, and frightened. You worry
about when is a safe time to talk to your partner or if you have the right to
express yourself. Any abusive relationship can be considered toxic. Many people stay in
relationships because they do not understand that they have rights and options.
Their low self-esteem can come from depression, fear of loneliness, or harmful
threats from an abusive partner. They might not see that life can be better
without the toxic relationship.
Danger Signs
- Your partner separates you from
your family, friends, and children.
- Your partner keeps watch over
- Your partner verbally abuses
you either in private or in public.
- You lose your self-identity as
you depend more on you partner, not knowing how to survive without
- Your partner dominates you, not
leaving any space for your preferences.
- You are afraid of telling the
truth for fear of upsetting your partner.
- Your self-esteem is always at a
low level as your partner makes you feel worthless and unattractive.
- Your partner blames you for
ruining the relationship and tries to make you change to make things work.
- Your thoughts, words, opinions,
and accomplishments have no value.
- Your partner is overly
possessive and overpowering.
Feelings that Define
the Characteristics of a Toxic Relationship
- Unsupported
- Dis-satisfied
- Fearful
- Exasperated
- Depleted
- Drained
- Unaccepted
- Unrewarded
- Judged
- Guilt
- Tired
- Angry
- Untrusting
- Unequal
- Stifled
- Shame
- Stressed
Recognizing a Toxic
Relationship Cycle
Though most of us
want to find love and intimacy, we also find ourselves fearful of being hurt,
worrying about commitment, and dreading abandonment—also known as anxiety. Our relationship comfort
zone is flanked by behavior patterns that are neither too close to trigger
fusion anxiety, nor too distant to trigger separation anxiety. These boundaries
have been formed in our childhood and seldom change without conscious
awareness. They also create patterns that can lead to a toxic relationship
In a toxic
relationship cycle, power struggles arise many times without finding solutions. Intimacy turns to
conflicts, which lead to anxiety. These anxieties then lead to arguments, hurt
feelings, and withdrawal. Though withdrawals might bring temporary relief, they
ultimately become feelings of isolation and loneliness, thus setting off
anxieties about abandonment. This separation anxiety leads to new proposals and
renewed intimacy as the couple goes through a honeymoon period.
However, this closeness will soon trigger fusion anxiety and trouble starts all
over again, repeating the cycle. Each time the cycle occurs, the adrenals take
a beating. With each stress, the adrenal glands demand for cortisol is
increased. With time, this output eventually declines, and symptoms of Adrenal
Fatigue surfaces.
Couples who do not
understand the cycles they are going through might eventually forget the
positive elements in their relationship. Many of the problems in
relationships are the product of varying comfort zone settings. When one person
hits one side of the comfort zone boundary and is already experiencing fusion
anxiety, the other person might just be following his/her desirable depth of
intimacy. As the first person reverses direction and comes back into
the comfort zone, the partner might feel abandoned; their mutual anxiety
explodes and accusations are thrown at each other. For many of us, not
understanding about the role of anxiety in relationships condemns us to be hurt
constantly. However, if we try to face our anxiety, we can change the comfort
zone relationship into a healthy, relationship characterized by a mutually
reinforcing growth process. Not only will our selfhood grow, but also the sense
of couple-hood will deepen.
In order to change a
static comfort zone relationship into an actively growing relationship, we must
train ourselves to stop in the middle of a conflict and engage in
self-awareness. Ask questions like,
"How did this fight start?" and "What am I anxious about?"
or "How am I feeling threatened?" Using these questions might allow
us to figure out a path to self-knowledge and deeper peace in our
relationships. Intimate relationships awaken our deepest anxieties, and
therefore can help us to grow personally and emotionally when used
Getting Out of a
Toxic Relationship
Being around a toxic
person for a long time might greatly decrease your sense of self-worth and
capability. It is very important to stop the harm that people cause you. If
your life is distressing, you are the only one who can change it. Here are some
tips on how to live a better life by nullifying the negative influence of toxic
- Take Responsibility. Understand that some part of you is
contributing to the behaviors. Ask yourself why you are willing to allow
the behaviors to continue. What can you learn from this?
- Set Boundaries. Let your partner know that they cannot go
around you. Describe what you are looking for and what your expectations
are for the future.
- Forgive. People are not usually toxic at birth. The
environment and circumstances over time mold us in to who we are. Learn to
see the good in a person beneath the toxicity on the surface. Learn to
forgive and return love, which is our primary purpose on earth. Use love
to heal one another.
- List the positive
characteristics of the person. This will help you alter
your focus. If you continually focus on negative aspects, the person will
be negative whenever they are around you.
- Get a new perspective from a
neutral party, who has no bias against
your relationship—for example a counselor, coach, neighbor, or co-worker.
The key is not to vent to the person or create someone to pity you. The
point is for the other person to help you focus on the situation, the part
you have played, and what you are willing to do to move forward.
- End the Relationship. If nothing changes after you have tried all
of the above, walk away from your relationship with your head held high.
Unless you remove
the negative toxic relationships from your life, the constant negative energy
flow needed to sustain the toxicity prevents Adrenal Fatigue healing. To
channel the toxic negative energy into positive constructive energy is key to
the healing process.