Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Finding THE LOVE

I've had a post brewing in my head the last few days...actually a few of them. I've come across a few situations lately involving relationship this is where today's post will lead me.

It seems to me that at the core of every relationship problem is a disconnect in feeling connected. I truly believe that what we all want is to be loved, feel loved by another and want to be able to express that love. When that core has been shaken the entire relationship scaffolding begins to crack and separate.

What rocks the relationship foundation? How does that loving connection pull apart? It can be any number of things from feeling ignored by your loved one to losing that sense of trust in your partner’s feelings.

Hurt, betrayal, loss, anger, resentment…reactions to losing that connection…losing that “I have a loving partner and am loved” feeling.

Can you get it back? Will you ever be able to repair the relationship?

Yes…if both people want to make it happen. But, it will take some work.

Getting back to the basics of connection...what drew you together in the first place? What do you admire or respect about one another? If you can peel away the layers of relationship sabotage you may be able to find that link that once held you together…drew you together...and made you a couple by giving and receiving love.

Perhaps it’s time to bag the garbage and shovel off the emotions that no longer help to create a loving relationship.  Wallowing in faulty thoughts, reactive selves, and unloving emotions will only serve to break your foundation.

Change has to be made to get back to the core of the relationship and rediscover the love.

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