Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to Seduce a Woman

How to Seduce a Woman….

Rule #1: Listen to what she has to say;
Rule #2: Make her feel good about herself.

Women are ruled by emotion…the fastest way into our hearts (and should you desire – our pants) is through the things you say and don’t say.

Unlike men, we are not visual or driven by our physical urges. Pictures of your bare torso reflected in a bathroom mirror are unlikely to elicit the passionate response you seek. Similarly, the following text message will most likely be deleted before getting a reply: Ur so hot. Let’s do it 2nt.

To truly stir a woman, and have her aching for your touch, you need to practice the art of listening. I’m not saying that your ears won’t bleed or that you won’t stroke out before she’s finished a particularly passionate soliloquy…I’m saying that she needs to feel that she’s heard…that someone cares to hear what she has to say…trust me, she may have a lot to say…but think of your end game.

Make her smile. Make her feel proud of her accomplishments. Allow her the chance to open up and reveal what makes her happy. Before you can follow Rule #2, you have to master Rule #1. Once you’ve picked up on her self-identified deficits you have your grocery list of items to replenish. If she feels good about herself…confident in herself….and she has you to thank for that….well, then…you are the man!

Once you’ve appealed to her emotional side you will awaken that sought after inner passion…. And then you will have a woman who will work to seduce you.

Five Dimensions of Touch

The Five Dimensions of Touch: The Key to Bypassing Sexual Power Struggles  By Barry McCarthy, Ph.D. “Are we going to have sex or not?” ...