Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

In keeping with my tradition of not making New Year’s Resolutions this blog will not post a Happy-New-Year-this-list-will-make-your-life-measurably-better entry.
Each New Year brings the chance to adopt a list or resolutions that will herald health, wealth and happiness within the next 12 months. It’s also a chance to dump the resolutions you never achieved.
Here’s the thing, I can understand wanting better health. If it’s within your control –fix it. Don’t like your weight? Watch your diet and exercise. Don’t want to start today? Make February 1st your new fitness shoe day.
Money? It’s not always the answer. Material things do not define your well-being. Chances are when you look through a picture book of fond memories you are looking at experiences and adventures and not a Lexus or Rolex.
I suggest if you want to focus on improving one area of your life this next year that you shift your attention to improving your relationships (and as a result  your experiences.)
The Lexus may fancy up your garage and the Rolex might sparkle on your wrist but the hand that grasps yours is priceless.
Happy New Year & Happy New Beginnings,
The Authentic Therapist

Every single minute of every single day is a new beginning. Every morning that you open your eyes is a fresh start. Every opportunity is a chance to make a change.

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